Shaping the future of Healthcare in Greece 2014


Shaping a healthier Nation, Shaping a healthier Europe

“Securing healthier future for Europe and Greece through innovation and investments”

Jane Griffiths – Group Company Chairman of Janssen EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa), Chair of the Europe Committee of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). Co-chair of the joint Executive Committee of PhRMA and EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations)

Download the presentation (Zip 683 KB)

“Empirical data on the impact of crisis and austerity on health inequalities”

Aaron Reeves, Researcher, Quantitative Sociology, Oxford University

Download the presentation (Zip 1186 KB)

“Reducing inequalities: the role of health development”

Kostas Athanasakis, Department of Health Economics, National School of Public Health

Download the presentation (Zip 712 KB)

“Socioeconomic inequalities in health: The perspective of Health professionals and Greek citizens”

Tina Tripsa, Country Manager IPSOS

Download the presentation (Zip 3522 KB)

“The promise of Health 2020 for a healthier Europe”

Agis Tsouros, M.D., Ph.D., FFPH Director, Policy and Governance for Health and Well-being, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe)

Download the presentation (Zip 4304 KB)

“Reconciling the objectives of access, quality and cost-containment: Strategies to improve value for money in health spending”

Gaetan Lafortune, Senior Economist, Health Division, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Download the presentation (Zip 1210 KB)

“Shaping improved outcomes for Europe’s citizens in an era of economic austerity: The European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights, a catalyst for change”

Prof  Mark Lawler, European Cancer Concord Project Lead, Chair in Translational Cancer Genomics and Associate Director of Postgraduate Studies, Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Queen’s University Belfast

Download the presentation (Zip 2915 KB)

“EMA experience in involving patients in the evaluation of medicines”

Dr Isabelle Moulon, Head of Department, Patients and Healthcare Professionals, European Medicines Agency (EMA)

Download the presentation (Zip 395 KB)

“Sustainable Health in an environment of economic austerity: The Industry’s Perspective”

Haseeb Ahmad, CEO, Greece, Cyprus and Malta, MSD

Download the presentation (Zip 6034 KB)

“Pharmaceutical innovation: The international environment-Trends and Strategies for increasing access to medicines”

Jeroen Commissaris, President & Managing Director at AstraZeneca Greece

Download the presentation (Zip 1532 KB)

“The contribution of pharmaceutical innovation to the improvement of healthcare”

Konstantinos Frouzis, President SFEE (Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies)

Download the presentation (Zip 2207 KB)

“Innovative medicines and their contribution to the rationalization of the NHS”

Pascal Apostolides, General Manager, AbbVie Pharmaceuticals S.A., Vice President SFEE (Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies), Member of the Executive Committee of the PhRMA Innovation Forum (PIF)

Download the presentation (Zip 3286 KB)

“Access to innovation: The major issue for patients across EU”

Stanimir Hasurdjiev, European Patients Forum (EPF)

Download the presentation (Zip 3500 KB)

“An alternative solution for the re-organization of healthcare sector”

John Kyriopoulos, Professor Emeritus, Health Economics, National School of Public Health

Download the presentation (Zip 3638 KB)

“Supplementary and private insurance”

Athanasios Vozikis, Assistant Professor, University of Piraeus, Economics Dept.

Download the presentation (Zip 2042 KB)

“Μeasures to reduce pharmaceutical expenditure: the case of a prescription quota system for physicians”

Lefteris Thireos, General Practitioner/Family Physician, Public Health Consultant, Athens Medical Society, Hellenic Association of Health Services Management, HL7 Greece

Download the presentation (Zip 3795 KB)

“EOPYY’s Strategic Framework: policies & tools to implement the reform”

Dimitris Kontos, President, National Organization for Healthcare Provision (EOPYY)

Download the presentation (Zip 2527 KB)

“Pathogenesis of primary care in Greece”

George Patoulis, President of the Athens Medical Association (ISA)

Download the presentation (Zip 8593 KB)

“Medical Devices and Diagnostics Landscape: Innovation within an Austerity Healthcare Environment”

Theodore Liakopoulos, Chairman of MD&D Committee AMCHAM, General Manager Johnson & Johnson Hellas Medical

Download the presentation (Zip 2096 KB)

“Laboratory Doctor: Viability in the current Primary Health Care setting, positioning in a civilian focused Primary Health Care System”

Manolis Koutalas, Gen. Manager, Medisyn & Nikolaos Iosif, Commercial Director, Medisyn

Download the presentation (Zip 5862 KB)

“Contributing to a sustainable Healthcare System”

Georgios Panagiotarakos, General Manager, Siemens Healthcare Greece

Download the presentation (Zip 1996 KB)

“Health inequalities and the role of welfare state”

George Tsakos, Senior Lecturer, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London (UCL), London, United Kingdom

Download the presentation (Zip 1434 KB)